Registration (ENG)

Dear colleagues,

Under the following link you can find registration form for the CAA Sea of Data Conference:

Unfortunately, because of limited time-frame of our meeting, there is possibility to participate in only one workshops.


Payment details (the final cost will be given in the return mail that will be generated after the registration):

Bank PeKaO IV O/Gdańsk

PL 59 1240 1271 1111 0010 4368 2415

Uniwersytet Gdański

ul. Bażyńskiego 8

80-309 Gdańsk

NIP 584-020-32-39

REGON 000001330


While making bank transfer in the transfer title (or payment describtion) please write ONLY your name, surname and number of the conference subaccount, which is: KH 19-16 (for example: Jan Kowalski KH 19-16). Without these details identification of your payment will be impossible.

We also kindly ask you to fill the registration form and make a payment before the end of April.


We are looking forward to seeing you in Gdańsk!:)

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